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Monday, February 13, 2012

H2 OH!

According to, water is defined as;


[waw-ter, wot-er]
a transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid, a compound ofhydrogen and oxygen, H 2 O, freezing at 32°F or 0°C andboiling at 212°F or 100°C, that in a more or less impure stateconstitutes rain, oceans, lakes, rivers, etc.: it contains11.188 percent hydrogen and 88.812 percent oxygen, byweight.
a special form or variety of this liquid, as rain.
Often, waters. this liquid in an impure state as obtainedfrom a mineral spring: Last year we went to Marienbad for thewaters.
the liquid content of a river, inlet, etc., with reference to itsrelative height, especially as dependent on tide: a differenceof 20 feet between high and low water.
the surface of a stream, river, lake, ocean, etc.: above,below, or on the water.

Water is the most important substance we put in our bodies! We can't live without it and it does so much more than most people realize. At any time, our brains are 75% water, our bones are 25% water, and our blood is 83% water. Not only does it hydrate us, it is involved in almost every process that is required for life and homeostasis. It helps to regulate our body temperature, carries nutrients throughout the body, eliminates toxins and waste from the body, and it improves digestion. 

Did you know that drinking more water can actually help reduce water retention? Crazy, right? When we don't drink enough water, our bodies hold on to what we already have in us. This is because lack of water in our bodies is perceived as a threat and we go into a survival mode. 

Water also helps our bodies maintain muscle tone as well as helps to prevent skin from sagging due to occurrences such as aging or weight loss. 

Amazing H2O!

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