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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ignorance Isn't Bliss

One thing I have noticed is that people don't usually seem to understand the healing power of a healthy diet. Just today I was grocery shopping with my brother and the topic of health foods came up. He pointed out the obvious that buying healthy foods is much more expensive than buying junk food. The truth to that is depressing. I think the price of good food is the reason our country is in the health rut it is in. Staying on the health food topic, I began explaining the book, The Inside Tract, to him. I told him how eating a whole food diet has the ability to heal the body of various ailments and improve all around health. Of course, he was extremely skeptical of that fact. Which leads me to wonder why people don't understand how strong of an impact food has on our bodies. Maybe I am more aware because I am a medical student, but I guess I always thought it was common knowledge. I don't expect people to understand the difference between energy from proteins and energy from carbs. Although, I do think they should know that what we eat impacts every inch of our bodies. Or at least be aware of how we feel after we eat. I know for myself, if I have something greasy or fatty, I instantly want to lay down and nap. On the other hand, a good salad with grilled chicken gives me energy and even makes me feel good about myself because I made a healthy food choice. The bottom line is that people need to become more educated about eating right and taking care of their bodies by making better choices. Maybe some education could help lower the number of obese people in our country as well as the amount of people suffering from ailments and disease due to being unhealthy or overweight.

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