Today, I decided to try a detox. I'm heading to Florida in a week and want to look a little better for my trip. This specific detox claims you can lose up to 5lbs of water weight in 7 days. The recipe calls for 60 ounces of distilled water mixed with a tablespoon of sugar-free cranberry juice, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and one dandelion root tea bag. You have to drink 60 ounces of this concoction a day for 7 days and voila! 5 lbs are gone.
I have to tell you, this drink is not the most crave-able beverage I have ever had. The dandelion root tea gives it a very earthy flavor, kind of like dirt. But, other than that, it's not completely horrible. The hardest part is drinking 60 ounces in one day. I have it divided into a 30 ounce water bottle so I'm not carrying a huge jug around all day, and it is hard enough to finish the first bottle. Hopefully, by next Wednesday I will be feeling and looking 5lbs lighter!
*Update* 2/9/12
After two tries, I was only able to drink about 15 ounces before feeling and/or getting sick. Something in the mix didn't work well with my body. I'm assuming the culprit is the dandelion root. I had done some research on the herb because the box explicitly warns not to drink if you have an infected gallbladder. Since I don't have one anymore, I wasn't sure how I fit into that category. All of my Internet findings were contradictory. Some said it was really good for people without their gallbladder while there were a couple that said it was bad for people who were without one. I guess it isn't going to work out for me. Oh well, I guess. On to the next crazy weight loss/detox plan!
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